Valencia Pointe - Boynton Beach, FL

Current Weather Conditions

Friday October 11, 2024 at 0922 PM

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 77.4°F
Heat Index Undefined: T<80 F or RH<40%
Wind Chill Undefined: T>50 F or V<=3 mph
Dewpoint 69.5°F
Humidity 77%
Barometer 29.950 inHg
Barometer Trend (3 hours) 0.044 inHg
Wind 4 mph from 62° (ENE)
Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr
Inside Temperature 78.1°F


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
81.2°F at 01:30 PM
73.0°F at 07:01 AM
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
86.7°F at 01:31 PM
--- at ---
High Humidity
Low Humidity
96% at 07:39 AM
72% at 04:19 PM
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
74.9°F at 12:06 PM
69.4°F at 09:20 PM
High Barometer
Low Barometer
29.959 inHg at 09:55 AM
29.843 inHg at 12:00 AM
Today's Rain 0.39 in
High Rain Rate 0.64 in/hr at 10:07 AM
High Wind 18 mph from 75° at 03:48 PM
Average Wind 3 mph
RMS Wind 4 mph
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
3 mph
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
78.7°F at 06:14 PM
72.7°F at 07:32 AM



Click image for expanded radar loop


Click image for more Florida lightning info


Backyard WeatherCam

About this weather station:
Latitude: 26° 30.84' N
Longitude: 080° 09.30' W
Altitude: 30 feet

This station uses a Peet Bros. Ultimeter 2100, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. The software is running on a Raspberry Pi3+, a micro-computer the size of a deck of cards.

RSS feed

Mobile formatted

Smartphone formatted

Weewx uptime: 15 days, 7 hours, 2 minutes
Server uptime: 15 days, 7 hours, 0 minutes
weewx v3.8.2

Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 06:54 AM
Sunrise: 07:17 AM
Transit: 01:07 PM
Sunset: 06:55 PM
End civil twilight: 07:19 PM
Azimuth: 278.9°
Altitude: -33.4°
Right ascension: 197.7°
Declination: -7.5°
Solstice: 04:20 AM on Dec-21-2024
Equinox: 05:01 AM on Mar-20-2025
Rise: 03:09 PM
Transit: 08:28 PM
Set: 12:46 AM
Azimuth: 195.1°
Altitude: 37.7°
Right ascension: 308.4°
Declination: -24.3°
Full moon: 07:26 AM on Oct-17-2024
New moon: 08:47 AM on Nov-01-2024
Phase: First quarter
(64% full)
temperatures heatchill humidity rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector