About this weather station:
Latitude: | 26° 30.84' N |
Longitude: | 080° 09.30' W |
Altitude: | 30 feet |
This station uses a Peet Bros. Ultimeter 2100, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. The software is running on a Raspberry Pi3+, a micro-computer the size of a deck of cards.
Weewx uptime: 0 days, 7 hours, 31 minutes
Server uptime: 0 days, 7 hours, 22 minutes
weewx v3.8.2
Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: | 06:36 AM |
Sunrise: | 07:00 AM |
Transit: | 12:34 PM |
Sunset: | 06:09 PM |
End civil twilight: | 06:33 PM |
Azimuth: | 315.9° |
Altitude: | -73.6° |
Right ascension: | 324.1° |
Declination: | -14.3° |
Equinox: | 05:01 AM on Mar-20-2025 |
Solstice: | 10:42 PM on Jun-20-2025 |
Rise: | 03:25 PM |
Transit: | 10:40 PM |
Set: | 05:00 AM |
Azimuth: | 271.8° |
Altitude: | 75.1° |
Right ascension: | 115.8° |
Declination: | 26.0° |
Full moon: | 08:53 AM on Feb-12-2025 |
New moon: | 07:44 PM on Feb-27-2025 |
Phase: | Waxing gibbous (94% full) |
![Hi Wind](daywinddir.png)
![Wind Vector](daywindvec.png)